12 Universal Laws of Prosperity

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12 Universal Laws of Prosperity

Post by amelia » Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:15 am

I found these all written together in a book. This is unusal to come across. Maybe you would like to know them. I have found them to be truths.

1.law of infinite supply:
Belief + infinite possibilities + desire + action = absolute potentiality + infinite supply

2. law of suggestion:
words + strong emotion + conviction = outcome

3. law of expectation:
confidence + belief + feeling = success

4. law of attraction:
thoughts + feeling + focus = attraction

5. law of intentional purpose:
purpose + integrity + intention + passion = destiny

6.Law of symmetry:
awareness/intuition + character + gratitude = balance

7.Law of recriprocation:
give + receive = polarity +/- cause + effect = equilibrium

8.Law of acceptance:
allowance + responsibility + respect = self worth

9. Law of freedom:
unconditional love + release + spirit = freedom

10. Law of substitution:
forgiveness + honesty + choice = growth

11. Law of focus:
inspiration + energy + focus = expansive power

12. Law of abundance:
self value + worthiness + belief + opportunity = wealth

sorry for lack of capitals consistency but hurried to write it up for you before the site cutout, I just checked the formulas were right. Powerful stuff 8)

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