Minutes: 12/3 - first meeting

Front of House, garden etc.
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Minutes: 12/3 - first meeting

Post by Shannon » Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:06 pm

In attendance: Neil, Jane, Rich, Sarah, Chakan & Shannon

1. flowers/plants
2. seating
3. furniture
4. table tops + toilets
5. candles
6. floors/cleaning
7. lights

1. flowers/plants
- What to do? We have a small monthly budget and it sucks to spend half of it buying flowers - to buy, or to grow?
- In the spring, the Forest garden shall provide
- ACTION Rich will check on procuring flowers from hotels (they throw them out when they're still good)
- The bamboo is good - can we get more?
- Sarah thinks we should consider changing to opaque vases so that the dirty water isn't so visible (unlikely that anyone is going to change the water as regularly as it should be!)
- ACTION Sarah will check into plants we can grow and the possibility of a front window box (in the window with the arm chairs)
- potted plants must be watered regularly or they die!! ACTION Chakan to take responsibility for watering plants

2. seating
- Couches and armchairs are beyond shabby chic. Now they just look worn and dirty
- Solution: cushion recovering and slip covers
- we need fabric!!
- ACTIONSJane will check Leith auction times, Sarah will ask about old bolts at fabric shops, Chakan will check at charity shops and the balcony, Shannon will put an advert up on Freecycle

3. furniture
- we should check that the best stuff is downstairs
- ACTION Shannon will check on Wednesday morning

4. table tops + toilets
- ACTION Jane will make poster for submissions and get box to put them in
- Neil will fix crazy table

5. candles
- if we are in around dark, take candles out and make things look good (there is a list in the kitchen)

6. floors/cleaning
- Chakan wants to do heavy duty cleaning in downstairs hall
- He wants to do it overnight, but it was decided first thing in the morning would work too
- ACTION Chakan will get in touch with Shannon if he wants to come in an hour early to get started

7. lights
-ACTION Jane to look into rope light
- Neil suggested that 'pop tarts' would be good for the lights above the mural (they cost about £8/each and have a polarizing filter = make coloured light come out!!)

Next meeting: 3pm, Sunday December 10 - meet in cafe

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